”Plough deep, while Sluggards sleep
And you shall have corn to sell and to keep.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)
As you can see above, my corn stalks are cut. The ears have been eaten and enjoyed. And all that remains are good culinary memories.
Despite Benjamin Franklin’s wise advice, I didn’t sell any of my corn, and I even gave some of it away to friends. But after growing my own corn, I now understand all the fuss about how much better fresh-picked corn tastes when tossed immediately in the cooking pot or on the grill.
‘Blue Jade’ corn (70 to 80 days) is supposed to grow three feet tall, according to Seed Savers Exchange. That makes this variety one of the only sweet corns you can grow in containers and ideal for small gardens. But my plants easily grew four to five feet tall, and each supplied about two ears of brilliant blue corn. They probably would have supplied even more ears, but we had a late start to summer this year.
For best results, direct seed corn in full sun about 10 days to two weeks after the last frost date. Corn is a warm-season crop that likes rich, fertile soil with good drainage. Incidentally, this corn variety stays blue when cooked.
Learn more:
Advice for growing corn from Purdue University.
See some of garden writer Kylee Baumle’s favorite corn varieties.
Advice for growing corn from Purdue University.
See some of garden writer Kylee Baumle’s favorite corn varieties.
What are your favorite corn varieties? Any corn recipes you want to share? We’re all ears. (Pun intended.)
I miss Idaho! We were near the cornfields in Eagle where my hubby's cousin live. I'm sure growing your own corn is much sweeter and can't compare to store bought! I love fresh organic veggies. Have a great week!
Thanks Priscilla for dropping by. Homegrown vegetables rock!
Glad to see you finally got some blue corn! You did better than I.
Ha! Kim and Victoria: 'Blue jade' rocked. I didn't experience any pest damage, and the ears couldn't have been sweeter. Highly recommended. Best, Teresa
Growing up we grew a blue popcorn. This made me think of that. We also grew peanuts one year … My parents tried to make gardening interesting for us. It worked for my sister and I, but my brother won't have ANYTHING to do with it.
Kari: How delightful that your parents made you enjoy gardening. Not everyone inherits a green thumb, but that's what makes us all unique. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. Teresa
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