During the summer, one of my favorite traditions is to shop at my local farmers market. From gorgeous fresh foods and handcrafted artisan products to charming live music, there’s always plenty happening. Plus, I like the feeling of supporting my local economy by keeping family farmers profitable and sustainable in my community.
Do you have a favorite farmers market? Why not show them a little love? Here’s how…
Photo by NatalieMaynor on Flickr
American Farmland Trust is once again hosting its annual America’s Favorite Farmers Market contest. You can vote for your favorite farmers market by midnight August 31, 2011.
If your farmers market wins, it will receive a shipment of No Farms, No Foods totebags along with other exciting prizes. The winning market also will be featured in the award-winning website Epicurious.com.
If you want to find your local farmers market, use American Farmland Trust’s market map. (Scroll down on that page.) You’ll be able to search for your farmers market based on its name, city, state and zip code. Then you can register and show a little love for your local market too.
However you decide to vote, be sure to pat yourself on the back for showing support to your local farmers.
Remember every minute of every day, we are losing an acre of precious farmland to sprawling developments. By shopping at local farmers markets, your community’s farmers will receive a much larger percentage of the profit. And you can feel good knowing you’re helping to keep farming sustainable in the United States. Learn more.
As Thomas Jefferson wrote to George Washington in 1787, “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute the most to real health, good morals and happiness.” Eating fresh foods from local farmers still remains important today.
Learn more about the American Farmland Trust.
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Ah, there are so many I love! My personal favorite is the Union Square Farmer’s Market in Manhattan. But in May I visited the one in Cherry Creek, Denver and it rated pretty high up on my list. I have visited many, and in addition to the local offerings, each has its own distinctive personality and “flavor.” You find the best contests!
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