As temperatures fall below freezing, a delightful Stipa arundinacea ‘Sirocco’ keeps on performing beautifully on my winter front porch. Photo copyright Kevin O’Connor.

We interrupt all our planned holiday posts to report on the great performance of this ornamental grass called Stipa arundinacea ‘Sirocco’ on my front porch.
During cold weather, this plant’s arching foliage turns from green to shades of blush, copper and pink. And that’s what is happening with mine right now. I’ve seen different listings for this grass. Some experts report it’s hardy to Zone 4; others to Zone 6. I just know that mine are doing fine on the porch, even though this week’s temperatures dropped often to 20s F.

You may remember this ornamental grass from last summer, when it starred above with some of Proven Winners’ newest Superbells® (Calibrachoa hybrid). I’m crazy about the way the arching foliage falls softly over other container plants.

This four-season grass likes full sun conditions. Don’t overwater this plant; it grows best in well-drained, slightly dry potting soil. Stipa ‘Sirocco’ is the only pink ornamental grass you can grow from seed, although I bought my transplants at a local independent garden center. Start growing this beauty in winter, and you’ll see for yourself why I had to make such a fuss.
More on Stipa ‘Sirocco.’
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