Contributor: Seasonal Wisdom is delighted to provide this summer Feng Shui advice from NY-based consultant Ann Bingley Gallops of Open Spaces Feng Shui. You may remember her Feng Shui advice about fall, winter and spring already.
Learn how you can use the timeless lessons of Feng Shui to enjoy this season to the fullest. Here’s what Ann has to say … Photo courtesy of mgstanton/Flickr
Photo courtesy of **Mary**/Flickr
Summertime brings us into the “Fire” season in Feng Shui. It’s the pinnacle of the yearly cycle – the season of sunshine, high heat and Yang energy. Consider this advice for celebrating this Fire season with summer Feng Shui.
From a Feng Shui point of view, Fire’s essence comes through in the color red, triangular or pointed shapes, and by beautiful, warm lighting.
Add Fire-y elements like red flowers or brilliant lighting to your home or garden this summer to get year-round benefits from this powerful element.
Here’s a look at some “specifics” of Fire, with summer Feng Shui tips for each to help you make the most of this peak season.
Photo courtesy of PinkMoose/Flickr
1. Fire is the element of your inner light and of your Fame & Reputation.
- Take a few moments to contemplate the way you wish to be seen in the world, and to bring any underappreciated talents and abilities into the light before fall activities kick back into gear.
Photo courtesy of Aff/Flickr
2. Fire is also an expansive, social and emotional element.
- If you’re feeling shy or have trouble expressing yourself, take advantage of the season to create meaningful connections with friends and family during the summer social season. The heat you generate now will carry you right through the rest of the year.
Photo courtesy of Wirralwater/Flickr
3. If you’re already feeling a bit overheated, balance your Fire element with cool, clear Water. Dive right in whenever you have the chance.
- Fire’s power also cools off a bit when you’re close to the Earth, one of many good reasons to dig deep into your garden this summer!
Summer Feng Shui offers you so many ways to bring yourself into the kind of balance and harmony that’s found in nature. I hope it will help you enjoy all the riches of this abundant season.
About the Author: Ann Bingley Gallops is a Feng Shui consultant and speaker in New York City. Her company Open Spaces Feng Shui offers on-site and long-distance Feng Shui consultations, space-clearing and blessing ceremonies, and modern, practical Feng Shui design for homes and offices.
Ann practices Feng Shui with an MBA from Columbia University, a Practitioner’s Certificate from the Western School of Feng Shui, and Red Ribbon Professional membership in the International Feng Shui Guild.
Follow Ann on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, and on her blog, Feng Shui Tips & Insights.
Thanks so much for hosting another one of my articles, Teresa! I’m so glad we’ve covered the Feng Shui of all four seasons now!
Hi Ann: Thanks again for another interesting guest post. Your articles add a nice seasonal touch to this blog. We appreciate them! Teresa
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