This edible seasonal tablescape was specially created by Nell Foster of Joy Us garden. The talented book author and professional decorator agreed to share her secrets with Seasonal Wisdom readers, so you can create this beautiful table decoration yourself this holiday season.
On this project, Nell brings along the professional decorating skills she garnered while designing and installing large-scale holiday decorations in San Francisco, as well as window displays for Marshall Field’s Flower Show in Chicago and Macy’s Flower Show in San Francisco. Best of all, this seasonal tablescape should last most of the month. All photos are copyright Joy Us garden.
Making an Edible Seasonal Tablescape
Nell Says: I love making these edible tablescapes and was delighted when Teresa asked me to post one on her blog for the holiday season. I call them tablescapes because in a way, it’s like landscaping your table for a special occasion. Everything I used is in season now so you should have no problems finding the vegetable and fruit ingredients.
We’ve created a video to show you the step by step creation of this piece over on our YouTube channel. You’ll find that link at the bottom of this post. That’s where you can see exactly what all the ingredients are and watch how fast this seasonal tablescape comes together. You’ll also meet my cat Oscar who loves to be part of any photography or video shoots we do in the house.
Pictured above you’ll see some of what I used: buttercup, acorn and sweet dumpling winter squashes, Rome apple, magnolia cone, forelle pear, pomegranate, Brussels sprouts, walnut, cranberries and an air plant.
I live in Santa Barbara, California where I’m fortunate to be able to shop at our farmers market all year long. I’m a regular at the market on Tuesdays and Saturdays and love being able to interact with the farmers themselves. I bought all the produce there except for the pomegranates, which came from a friend’s tree. The Rome apples, adorable forelle pears and cranberries came from a local natural foods market. All are organic or grown without sprays – this is very important to me.
The aeoniums, which are succulents, came from my garden. They will last for months out of the ground as long as they have nice, bright natural light. I like them in this piece because they remind me a bit of green roses. The air plants, or tillandsias, are a nice touch and just need a spritz or two of water every week. In nature, they grow on other plants but are not parasitic like that other popular holiday plant, mistletoe.
We sell air plants on our website and you’ll find a link to them below. I have a 7-foot Rosemary ‘Tuscan Spires’ growing in my front yard that yields an endless bounty all year long. The French thyme and Greek oregano were picked out of my herb garden in the backyard.
The beauty of this tablescape is that it can be made in early December and will still look good through Christmas day. The only things that might need replacing are the Brussels sprouts. If you can’t find all the ingredients I’ve used, then substitute something similar.
This piece is low enough so that your guests can see over each other while enjoying the wonderful meal you’ve made. I sometimes do these arrangements on a side table in my living room where they are a focal point. Adjust the arrangement’s size to your own table – it’s very easy to do.
Just think, you can enjoy your beautiful centerpiece and then eat it. Have a wonderful Holiday Season everyone!
See Nell’s video showing the creation of this edible seasonal tablescape.
Buy air plants for this seasonal tablescape from Joy Us garden.
Buy Nell’s book that shows how to make holiday ornaments with succulents and air plants.
About the author: Nell Foster is the creator of Joy Us Garden. Her horticultural career has taken her from the East Coast to the West – from Boston and New York City to San Francisco and now Santa Barbara. She has been employed as an herb propagator, interior landscaper and nursery salesperson.
She owned Nell Foster Designs in San Francisco for 16 years installing and maintaining residential landscapes as well as designing and installing large-scale holiday decorations. For many years, she did window displays for Macy’s Flower Show in San Francisco and the Marshall Fields Flower Show in Chicago.
Nell is a life-long gardener who still to this day gets giddy at the thought of a trip to one of the local nurseries or the local farmers market. She has always been an organic gardener and always will be. She is the author of “Mother Nature Inspired Christmas Ornaments” and regularly blogs on Garden Gluttony which can be found on her website http://www.joyusgarden.com
Beautiful and very inspiring. I will be spending holidays in South America this year. I need to find different summer ingredients for it!.
Thanks very much, Lu. I find this seasonal tablescape inspiring too. I also enjoyed looking at the gorgeous images on your blog — lulight.com. Happy holidays and safe travels. Teresa
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